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Maren Hansdatter NOBEL, ♀
I. oo with
Johan Pederssøn Holthe, * Trondheim 1653, † Trondheim 1691
- Maren Marie Johansdatter Holthe, * 1690 Halmø, † 20.12.1767 Hemne
oo 1713 with Johan Peter Testmann, * Trondheim 1686, † Holden, Hemne Parish, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway 1722
- Maren Marie Elisabeth Johansdatter Holte Testmann, * 1714 Hemne, † 18.02.1785 Hemne
oo with Morten Christopher Christopherson Lossius, * Holden gård Hemne 1719, † Holden gård Hemne 10.05.1776
- Anne Cathrine Christoffersdatter Lossius, * 1755 Hemne, †
- Johan Christopher Christophersen Lossius, * 1756 Hemne, †
- Morten Lyng Christopherson Lossius, * 15.06.1757 Trondheim, † 30.03.1819 Holden
II. oo with
Anders Joensen Schanche Finvedgaard, * Trondheim 1650, † Trondheim 1687
III. oo with
Peter Andreas Colderup, †
IV. oo with
Andreas Frölich, †
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