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family name = Losch → Losch

14 persons found

  1. family tree Wilhelmine Elisabeth Josephine Felsing, married von Losch, * 1876, † 1945
  2. family tree Ewald Losch, * 1888, † 1966
  3. family tree Jutta Losch, * 1939
  4. family tree Kurt Albert Dietrich Losch, * 1889 Berlin, † 1944 Berlin
  5. family tree Ottilie "Tilly" Ethel Leopoldine Losch, married Herbert, Countess of Carnarvon, * 1903 Vienna, † 1975 New York
  6. family tree Reinhold Losch, * 1859, † 1927
  7. family tree Willy Losch, * 1896, † 1971
  8. family tree Alwine von Losch, * 1879, † 1943
  9. family tree Eduard von Losch, * 1875 Dessau, † 1916
  10. family tree Ferdinand von Losch, * 1843 Rastenburg, † 1912 Dessau
  11. family tree Mathilde von Losch, * 1879, † 1899
  12. family tree Valeska von Losch, married Varnhagen, * 1886, † 1968
  13. family tree Emma Sebald, married Losch, * 1866, † 1959
  14. family tree Agnes Karoline Mathilde Alwine Luise von Trotha, married von Losch, * 1850 Dessau, † 1941

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